How long will it take?
This can depend on the location of the tooth but generally, the appointment to place the implant will take an average of 60 minutes. The crown will be fitted at a later stage and this appointment using takes 40 minutes.
What Kind Of Results Can I Expect?
Dental Implants are visually and structurally as close to your natural teeth as any other dental procedure.
Am I Suitable For This Treatment?
The majority of patients are deemed suitable for implants. A full examination will be required in advance of treatment to review medical history and assess bone structure in the affected area.
How Long Does It Last?
The dental implant fuses to your jawbone and should, with care and regular check-ups last permanently. The tooth that is attached to the implant is more exposed to biting and chewing forces but usually lasts for 15 years or more.
How much does it cost?
Athlone Dental offer consultations which review the patient’s suitability for an implant and provide a detailed breakdown of costs. If you would like to find out more about the process, please do not hesitate to contact us on 0906-455028.